A Beginner’s Guide to Open-Back vs Closed-Back Headphones

When it comes to personal listening devices, there are a variety of designs and features. Some headphones have noise-canceling microphones or built-in FM radio receivers. Others have in-ear monitors with volume controls or a one-cup design for monitoring stage audio. The type of headphone that you choose will largely depend on the listening environment and your personal preferences. One decision, however, can be a bit more complicated: open back versus closed back headphones. Which type of headset is best for you? The answer is not as cut-and-dried as you might think. Both open and closed back headphones have unique benefits that may influence your final decision. In this blog post, we’ll give you an overview of both types, highlighting the pros and cons of each style so you can make an informed buying decision the next time you’re shopping for new headphones.

What are Open-Back Headphones?

Open-back headphones are designed with the rear of each earcup left open to allow outside noise to pass through the earcup and into the speaker’s rear chamber. This design is meant to replicate the natural listening experience, allowing you to hear the world around you while maintaining a consistent volume level. This type of headphone is great for use when you need to hear ambient noise but also want to listen to your music at a consistent volume level. For example, open-back headphones are commonly used in recording studios during audio mixing or editing because they allow the sound engineer to hear the musicians or the room acoustics as they would when live, while still allowing the engineer to hear the music playing in his headphones at the same volume level as if he were listening to a CD or mp3. Open-back headphones are also an excellent choice for listening to music in a public place. Regardless of the setting, open-back headphones are a great choice for when you want to hear the world around you while still enjoying your tunes. The beyerdynamic DT 900 PRO X Open-Back Studio Headphones are perfect for critical listening, mixing and mastering. 

The Benefits of Open Back Headphones

• Natural Sound Reproduction: Open-back headphones can replicate a more accurate, clear, and natural sound as sound waves are able to escape the earcups by passing through the rear chamber of each earcup. This ability to let outside noise into the mix ensures that you hear a more accurate representation of your music. As a result, you’re able to enjoy a more soothing listening experience.

• Improved Soundstage: One of the biggest benefits of open-back headphones is the improved soundstage. Soundstage refers to how well you can differentiate sounds in each recording, effectively allowing you to hear the music as it was meant to be heard. With open-back headphones, you can enjoy a better soundstage that lets you hear instruments or sounds in the far left or far right of the mix. This can really help you appreciate the overall composition of your music.

What are Closed-Back Headphones?

Closed-back headphones are designed with a closed-off backside, effectively sealing your ears from outside noise. This type of headphone is designed to block out external sounds, offering a consistent listening experience without outside distractions. This is especially helpful when you’re trying to listen to audio at a loud volume. Closed-back headphones are also optimal for protecting your hearing. This style of headphone effectively seals your ears from loud sounds, offering additional protection when you’re around overly loud machinery, a loud band, or a particularly loud crowd. This type of headphone is also an excellent choice when you’re trying to concentrate in a noisy environment. Closed-back headphones, like the beyerdynamic DT 700 PRO X Closed-Back Studio Headphones are ideal for recording and monitoring when working in a quiet environment. These headphones are a smart choice when you’re trying to block out outside noise and focus on your work.

The Benefits of Closed Back Headphones

• Noise Isolation: One of the main benefits of closed-back headphones is the noise isolation. The closed rear of each earcup effectively seals your ears from outside noise, blocking out excess distractions as you listen to your music. This can be especially helpful in a noisy environment where you need to block out external sounds to focus on your work or enjoy your music without being interrupted by outside noise.

• Protection against damage: A closed-back headphone can offer you some protection against damage. Even if you’re listening to your music at a moderate volume, these headphones can help protect your ears from exposure to damaging sound levels. A closed-back headphone can also be beneficial if you’re around loud machinery or a loud band.

Which Type is Right for You?

When choosing between open-back and closed-back headphones, there are a variety of factors you should consider, including the listening environment and your personal preferences. When you’re shopping for headphones, you should keep in mind that closed-back headphones can lead to a less natural listening experience. Open-back headphones, on the other hand, are designed to let outside noises pass through the earcup and into the rear chamber. This can lead to a more natural listening experience, allowing you to hear the world around you while still enjoying your music. Closed-back headphones are a good choice when you’re trying to block out distractions and focus on your work or when you’re around loud crowds. When choosing between open-back and closed-back headphones, it’s best to focus on the benefits each type of headphone offers and then choose the type that best meets your needs.

Still unsure which are the right type of headphones for you? Call us on 01444 258 258 or email [email protected] and we will be more than happy to advise you.